Joel, a brutal survivor, and Ellie, a brave young teenage girl who is wise beyond her years, must work together if they hope to survive their journey across the US.
Release Date: June 14, 2013
M for Mature: Blood and Gore, Intense Violence, Sexual Themes, Strong Language, Includes online features that may expose players to unrated user-generated content
The Last of Us is an action-adventure survival horror video game developed by Naughty Dog and published by Sony Computer Entertainment for the PlayStation 3. It was officially revealed on December 10, 2011 at the Spike TV Video Game Awards and released worldwide on June 14, 2013. It was released in Japan on June 20, 2013. An updated version for the PlayStation 4, The Last of Us Remastered, will be released in the third or fourth quarter of 2014.
The player controls Joel (voiced and motion-captured by Troy Baker) escorting the young Ellie (Ashley Johnson) across apost-apocalyptic United States that has been ravaged by infection. The player uses firearms, improvised weapons and stealth techniques to defend against hostile humans and zombie-like creatures infected by a mutated strain of the Cordyceps fungus.
The Last of Us received worldwide critical acclaim for its writing, voice acting, sound design, level design, and art direction. Its narrative was praised for its characterization, subtext, and critical depiction of the human condition, dealing with themes of sacrifice, loyalty, fate, and hope. Considered one of the most significant titles of the seventh generation video game era,The Last of Us received over 200 Game of the Year awards from numerous publications. It was also a commercial success, and became the second-largest video game launch of 2013 (after Grand Theft Auto V), selling over 1.3 million units in its first week. As of March 2014, the game had sold over 6 million units worldwide.
The Last of Us uses a third-person perspective. The game involves gunfights, melee combat, and a cover system. For most of the game, the player controls Joel; Ellie and other companions are controlled by the AI. The player must move through a post-apocalyptic environment, fighting off infected and gangs of hostile human survivors. Typically, the player can attack enemies directly, or use stealth tactics to pass undetected.
To defeat enemies, players can use long weapons such as rifles, shotguns and bows, and short-barreled guns such as pistols and revolvers; they can also scavenge limited-use melee weapons such as pipes and baseball bats. Bottles and bricks can be thrown to distract, stun or attack enemies. Weapons can be upgraded using collectable parts at workbenches, and Joel's physical abilities, such as his health bar and crafting speed, can be upgraded by collecting pills and medicinal plants. Equipment such as health kits and Molotov cocktails can be forged from collectable items including liquor, towels, and blades.The game does not pause while crafting or swapping unholstered weapons, forcing the player to manage their time effectively in combat.
The game features periods without combat, often involving conversation between the characters. The player must solve simple puzzles; for example, by using floatable planks to move Ellie (who cannot swim) across bodies of water, and using ladders or dumpsters to reach higher areas. Story collectibles, including notes, maps, and comics, can be scavenged and viewed in the backpack menu.
The game features an AI system called "Balance of Power". This new system allows enemies to react realistically to any combat situation they are placed in by taking cover if they see the player, calling for help if they need it and even taking advantage of the player's weaknesses, such as when Joel runs out of ammunition, is distracted, or when he is being attacked by other enemies. In turn Ellie is able to help out Joel by throwing objects at threats to stun them, announcing the location of enemies Joel is unable to see (such as when he is flanked) and, in the latter half of the game, using a pistol.
The Last of Us includes a separate multiplayer component called "Factions", a mode that adds to the world the single-player story established. From the beginning, the player is allowed to pick a faction, either Hunters or Fireflies, to become a part of. The player has 12 weeks to hold out by keeping their clan alive through collecting supplies during the matches, with each match counting as a day. By surviving to the end of the 12 weeks, the player has completed a journey and is allowed to choose their faction again. The focus of multiplayer play in The Last of Us is Clan growth and survival. Scavenging supplies is the way to accomplish these goals. Supplies are gained based on how well the player does in the match. Killing an enemy, assisting in a kill, reviving allies, and crafting items all earn a player parts. At the end of the match, these parts are converted into supplies. Enemies drop supplies when they die, which can be looted. While the player can populate their Clan with random non-player characters, they can populate the Clan with their friends' names via Facebook. This personalizes the player's Clan and doesn't post to their Facebook wall. To further aid player's immersion, there are special events which allow the player to rescue his/her characters friends' names, among other things. Linking up with Facebook also gives the player access to three boosters.
Factions features a crafting system identical to that of the single-player, where the consumables can be found in supply boxes set throughout the maps. Similar to multiplayers in previous Naughty Dog games, characters are customizable and their hats, helmets, masks, and emblems can be personalized. The multiplayer also lets the player customize loadouts to suit the their playstyle. There are four customizable loadout slots. Each loadout has two weapon slots, four survival skill slots, and one purchasable equipment slot. When the player starts a Clan, it begins with eight loadout points to distribute into these slots. As the player's Clan's overall store of supplies grows, the player can eventually earn up to 13 loadout points. The amount of loadout points that the player gets is directly related to many how many supplies they earn throughout the life of the Clan.
The component features three game modes hosting a maximum of eight players: Supply Raid, Survivors and Interrogation. All offer unique challenges to the Clan's survival and count towards the Clan's progression. Supply Raid is a standard Deathmatch, where the team who runs out of respawns first loses. Survivors is a no respawn mode where teams win rounds by killing off the entire enemy team or ending the round with more players, and win the match by winning four rounds. Crafting ingredients and producible items do not carry over between rounds. The third mode Interrogation, in which teams race to unlock each other's lockbox, is included after installing patch 1.05. Teams 'interrogate' enemies after downing them, and upon reaching five interrogations the location of the opposing team's lockbox is revealed. Teams must then open it, have the largest component of it unlocked, or have the largest number of interrogations to win.
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