Here it is: the monster that started it all. Without the astounding success of Double Fine Adventure's (now Broken Age's) nostalgia-baiting Kickstarter project, we wouldn't be seeing this current deluge of resurrected point-and-click franchises. Broken Age itself comes from names indelibly associated with the LucasArts point-and-click classics of yore - and this heritage was alone was enough for people to throw nearly $3.5 million at the company before a concept was even outlined. Still, one has since taken shape: some sort of girl-meets-boy yarn, stretched across interweaving sci-fi and fantasy realities.
Since its reveal, several videos have helped to elucidate what Broken Age is all about. This one shows off the game’s twin worlds, this one offers the first glimpse of gameplay footage, while THIS one shows the level of voice acting talent we can expect. Did somebody say ‘Jack Black’, ‘Jennifer Hale’ and ‘Raz from Psychonauts’? Yes, it was us just then.
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