Release Date: October 27, 2009
League of Legends (LoL) is a multiplayer online battle arena video game developed and published by Riot Games for Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X, inspired by the mod Defense of the Ancients for the video game Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. It is a free-to-play game, supported by micro-transactions. The game was first announced on October 7, 2008, and released on October 27, 2009. League of Legends was generally well received at release, and has grown in popularity in the years since. According to a 2012 Forbes article, League of Legends was the most played PC game in North America and Europe in terms of the number of hours played. As of January 2014, over 67 million people playLeague of Legends per month, 27 million per day, and over 7.5 million concurrently during peak hours.
League of Legends is a multiplayer online battle arena where players control a "champion" in order to be matched in a short PvP battle or bot game. As of February 27, 2014, there are 118 different Champions from which to choose. Players gain levels from killing the opposing team's Champions, controlled by other players or bots, and minions that regularly spawn and attack the other team's turrets, minions, and champions. In the classic game mode, the map is typically divided into "lanes", which are paths that spawned minions take, the "jungle", an area between lanes where neutral monsters spawn, and "bases", where players spawn and can purchase items. The primary map, Summoner's Rift, features three lanes, commonly referred to as top lane, where bruisers (partially damage, partially tanky) and tank type champions tend to go. Mid lane, where assassins and burst damage carries tend to go, and bot lane, where the ranged DPS (damage per second) carries and their supports tend to go. The jungle is sometimes considered a lane, where an assassin or tank champion tends to roam in order to collect buffs and assist in the other lanes freely. The player earns a small amount of gold every second passively, but can earn more by getting the last hit on minions, destroying enemy towers (referred to as turrets) that guard the lanes, neutral monsters located in the jungle, and killing enemy champions. With this gold, users can buy a variety of items to strengthen their champion for the duration of the game. On the classic Summoners Rift, Twisted Treeline, and Howling Abyss maps, the game is ended by destroying the enemy team's last structure on the map, called the "Nexus", from which minions spawn. Other maps have variations of rules and objectives, such as Dominion on the Crystal Scar map, where each team's Nexus loses health if the opposing team controls at least three of the five towers located around the map.
The player is identified as a "Summoner" and acts as the persistent element in the game, to be used to track statistics and scores for each player. Summoners gain experience points and "Influence Points" (in-game currency) for each battle they participate in. Experience points lead to persistent level gains for the Summoner, up to a maximum level of 30. The benefit of gaining levels is unlocking Mastery Points and Rune Page slots (below) which improve the overall strength of the Summoner's chosen champion in-game. The Summoner can also choose two summoner spells. These spells significantly impact gameplay, and have a high cooldown while costing no mana. All spells can be improved by masteries (perks that affect gameplay), which are developed in a skill tree. All of the masteries are passive effects, although some augment items which can be activated. They are grouped into Offensive, Defensive, and Utility categories. Masteries can be re-distributed at will between battles.
Similar to masteries, runes affect gameplay in minor ways. Runes are categorized into Marks (offensive), Seals (defensive), Glyphs (magic) and Quintessences (utility). They must be unlocked in the Store; it is possible to own multiple copies of one rune. Summoners must arrange their runes in the Runebook to benefit from them. The Runebook has limited number of slots for each rune type, but more rune pages can be purchased from either Influence Points or Riot Points. Combining two equal-tier runes produces a random rune of the same tier, while combining 5 equal-tier runes produces a higher-tier rune.
The League of Legends Store allows players to purchase additional options through Riot Points (RP) and Influence Points (IP). Riot Points must be bought using real money, while Influence Points are earned by playing the game.
Moderation is conducted through a democratic system known as The Tribunal. In this system, player-submitted reports are reviewed by other players on a case-by-case basis. The reviewing players then submit their opinions on the legality of the behavior demonstrated. A consensus renders the decision official. It is notable that players are unable to be permanently banned through this system, since "all permanent bans are distributed manually." Reviewers receive a Justice Rating based on their accuracy to encourage thorough analysis of cases.
CPU Speed: | 2 GHz processor |
RAM: | 1 GB RAM (Windows Vista and 7 users will want 2 GB of RAM or more) |
OS: | Windows XP SP2, Windows Vista SP1, or Windows 7 |
Video Card: | DirectX 9.0 capable video card support Shader 2.0 |
Free Disk Space: | 8 GB |
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